frequently asked
Here are answers to some of my frequently asked questions. If you have any other queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.
This will vary according to the size and complexity of the design required. I will be able to give a quotation for design work after seeing the garden and meeting you at the initial consultation stage.
It can take about 4 - 6 weeks; first there is the initial consultation, then the survey. I then aim to present a concept plan within about 3 weeks.
The timescale could be less or more, depending on the scale of the project.
I have worked with some excellent landscapers over the years and I can highly recommend them, or you are free to use any landscaper you choose.
It is very likely that a good landscaper will have a busy schedule and they are usually booked up for at least 3 months ahead. So it is a good idea to set the whole design process in motion as soon as possible.
I may like to get involved at the clearance stage to salvage any plants and instruct what to remove or keep, and I offer to carry out all aspects of the planting. We also work on border renovations.
Yes - from clearance to planting and anything else in between! Myself and the landscapers that I work with are happy to be flexible if there is anything that you would like to do or organise yourself. For example you may like to arrange tree surgery work, or carry out the planting yourself.
Simon and I will often bring in other gardeners to help us with planting projects.
Normally the landscaper that I recommend will manage the project perfectly well and keep in touch with myself along the way. I am available by email or phone at all times during the build to advise where I can and if an unexpected issue arises and I need to make a site visit, the visit is charged for accordingly.
I do not offer to work alongside landscapers that I have not recommended, sorry!
I can provide an after-care schedule and I am also happy to make 1-3 visits per year to trouble-shoot or carry out any pruning or extra planting.